They tell me there’s songs reserved for angels
Would you sing me one, a stranger
Just to prove your love?
They tell me you’ve given poor men kingdoms
And handed guilty freedom
And taken on their stains
And your love will never change
Your love will never change
They tell me that you dwell with good and evil
In alleys and cathedrals
Shadows and the light
They tell me that you hold the world together
Not from guilt, but pleasure
And you somehow know my name
And your love will never change
Your love will never change
So tell me there’s nothing that you can’t do
And you’ll love me though I’ve hurt you
And that you’ll take my blame
And your love will never change
Your love will never change.
-Dave Barnes
Well it is somewhere between 12:30 A.M. and 1:00 A.M. and I can not go to sleep so I decided to blog. It's good for the mind so here we go....
I love good lyrics. If you can't tell I am a music person and over the last year I have learned that I would rather have great lyrics than anything. The song that is posted above is a song by a good man named Dave Barnes. It was the song that came on when I hit the shuffle setting on my iTunes. GREAT LYRICS!!! Barnes is a Christian and often likes to take theological ideas and put them to a setting that allows it to be heard to all people.
After hearing this song and the simplicity of it, I realized how hard it is for me to realize that my God's love will never change. He has done so much, brought me out of so much from my past, and put me into new things. But even if I were to look at Him and say that I do not want to have anything to do with Him, His love NEVER changes. I don't get it. Why and how can he give poor men kingdoms? How can Jesus hand me, a guilty man, freedom with out batting an eye. He didn't even look back.
Every time I screw up he is waiting with open arms ready to except me back, as if I never did anything wrong in the first place. I find myself in a place where I am overwhelmed by the power, grace, and mercy of a relentless God.
God's word tells us in Jeremiah that he knew us before we were formed. He knew how we would respond, act, behave, want, need, and much much more. He took much time on each and everyone of us. God sees us as not something He needs, but something He wants. God does not need us but he wants us. What a wake up call. Jesus did not die just because he said he would, he died because he WANTED too. He saw people in need and wanted to fix the problem. So he did just that. I would say that is quite everlasting. When he could have called upon someone or something else and call it quits his relentless unfailing love never changed. When the status quo could have been settled, he chose to do exactly what he said he would do.
I find myself wanting to be in the same place, in every aspect of my life. Do as Christ did maybe?
Sidenote: Read Francis Chan's New Book...I read the whole thing on a 2 hour plane ride and it changed my outlook on life.
1 comment:
Wow. This book sounds like an excellent read.
It's been easy for me to get stuck in pity parties lately...I don't have friends here in GA and all. But after all, the friends in life will fade away and God...He is there forever. :)
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